Epic Daemon Pool Counter

April 7, 2015
07 Apr/15

Daemons are a tough thing to keep track of.  Appearing from the warp.  Disappearing into the warp.  Stealing cookies.  That sort of thing.

Well, now you can keep track of your extradimensional entities in STYLE.  Behold!  The Daemon Pool Counter!

Epic Armageddon Daemon Pool Counter


-Print the file in color on 11×17″ Tabloid paper.

-Trim 1.25″ off of the long edges and 3″ off the short edges to cut it down to 8.5×11″ with a full bleed.

-Laminate the sheet.

-During the game, place two Blast Markers on the Counter, corresponding to how many Lesser and Greater Daemons you purchased.  When you summon Daemons, move the Blast Marker down, and when the Daemons are removed or unsummoned move the Blast Marker up.

Have fun ripping down the walls of reality!

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Gaming

Epic Training number 2: Bozeman (Orks) vs. Sean (Marines)

April 4, 2015
04 Apr/15

After the previous battle at Highland, Sean decided to take a look at Epic.  Due to a lack of available challengers, I took the role of the Orks as Sean manned the Space Marines.  Let’s get Epic AGAIN!


Bozeman – Orks

  • ‘Uge Ork Warband with 18 Ork, 6 Gretchin, and 6 Nobs stands!
  • Ork Warband with 6 Ork, 2 Gretchin, and 2 Nobs stands plus 3 Battlewagons, 1 Flakwagon and 1 Gunwagon.
  • Ork Warband with 6 Ork, 2 Gretchin, and 2 Nobs stands plus 3 Battlewagons, 1 Flakwagon and 1 Gunwagon.
  • Mekboy Stompamob with 3 Stompas
  • Fighta Sqwadrun with 3 Fighta-Bommerz
  • Kult of Speed with 6 Warbikes and 2 Buggies
  • Big Blitz Brigade with 9 Gunwagonz, two of which have Supa-Zzap-Gunz
  • Great Gargant with Warlord Character Upgrade

Sean – Space Marines

  • Tactical formation with 6 Tactical stands, 3 Rhinos, and a Supreme Commander upgrade.
  • Devastator formation with 4 Devastator stands, 2 Rhinos, and 1 Hunter
  • Terminator formation with 4 Terminator stands and a Chaplain upgrade
  • Whirlwind formation with 4 Whirlwinds
  • Assault formation with 4 Assault stands
  • Assault formation with 4 Assault stands
  • Thunderhawk Gunship
  • Land Speeder formation with 5 regular Land Speeders
  • Warlord Titan

Standard Tournament Scenario




Turn 1

Sean puts the Whirlwinds on Sustained Fire and lays into the garrisoned ‘Uge Ork Warband that is so close to his lines.

The Orks fire back at the Tactical formation, and are in turn fired upon by the Warlord Titan.

Retaining the initiative, the Fighta-bommaz go after the Land Speeders, but fail spectacularly.

The Land Speeders move forward, close enough to the objective to ward off Ork advances.

Both the Gargant and the Blitz Brigade go for a Double, blasting the Titan and getting up close and personal.

The Devastators Double to put some pressure on the Blitz Brigade, with little effectiveness.

The Stompas go after the Land Speeders, and get a lucky shot.

Taking a big risk, I put the Blood Axe squad on Overwatch.  I get a lucky 4+.

The Thunderhawk with the two Assault Marine squads perform and Air Assault against the ‘Uge Ork Warband!  Poor rolls make the Orks retaliation brutal, wiping out all but one Assault Marine stand and killing that stand and the Thunderhawk with an overrum!  However, casualties break the Ork Warband.  The Kult of Speed responds by taking a Double to shore up the Gargant and get close to the bridge.

The Evil Sunz formation then Doubles to cover another objective.


Turn 2

At the top of turn 2, Sean teleports the Terminators near the ‘Uge Ork Warband, which has regrouped during the End Phase.

The Orks win the Strategy roll, and the Gargant uses the Warlord’s re-roll to succeed and go on a Sustained Fire action, killing most of the Terminators.

BIG GAMBLE sustained fire for the Blitz Brigade takes the void shields off the Titan and do some damage.

Whirlwinds blast the Orks again.

Devastators wreck the Blitz Brigade, breaking them.

Kult of Speed doubles to get into the Marine’s board half!

Fighta Bommers try to do some damage to the Whirlwinds, but fail again.

Land Speeders back up to prevent being charged by the Stompas.

Stompas move up to keep pressure on Land Speeders.

Retaining, the Evil Sunz double to try to take out some Land Speeders.  They fail, but they hold the objective.

Despite me not removing the die marker that indicates Overwatch, the Blood Axes move up to hold both objectives.


Turn 3

The Gargant doubles up and lays the smack down on the Warlord Titan, dropping the last shield, and doing five damage reducing the Warlord to one damage capacity remaining.

The Kult of Speed retains the initiative, Engages the Warlord Titan, and manages to peel the last damage off, killing it!  The six Warbikes are killed in retaliation and the Buggies flee in victory.

The Devastators try to blast the Gargant and removes all but one power field.

Finally, Sean ceded.


Final Score:

Blitzkrieg: NONE

Break Their Spirit: ORKS

Defend The Flag: ORKS

Take and Hold: ORKS

They Shall Not Pass: ORKS

Final Score: Space Marines 0, Orks 4  Victory for the Orks!


Wow.  There were several key moments where Sean’s rolling was terrible.  He’s almost as bad as my former room mate Matt.  Sean should have done much better.  He also should have used the Thunderhawk against one of the objectives rather than the ‘Uge Warband that could have held them off.

Next: some Epic Eldar or Lost and the Damned, and some Battlefleet Gothic at AFK!  Stay tuned!

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Gaming

Epic Armageddon training game: Dominic (Orks) vs. Kyle (Space Marines)

March 31, 2015
31 Mar/15

Having just barely finished the last of the Ork units just in time, I was able to show Dominic and Kyle how to play Epic with two FULLY PAINTED 3000 point lists!  Let’s get Epic!


Dominic – Orks

  • ‘Uge Ork Warband with 18 Ork, 6 Gretchin, and 6 Nobs stands!
  • Ork Warband with 6 Ork, 2 Gretchin, and 2 Nobs stands plus 3 Battlewagons, 1 Flakwagon and 1 Gunwagon.
  • Ork Warband with 6 Ork, 2 Gretchin, and 2 Nobs stands plus 3 Battlewagons, 1 Flakwagon and 1 Gunwagon.
  • Mekboy Stompamob with 3 Stompas
  • Fighta Sqwadrun with 3 Fighta-Bommerz
  • Kult of Speed with 6 Warbikes and 2 Buggies
  • Big Blitz Brigade with 9 Gunwagonz, two of which have Supa-Zzap-Gunz
  • Great Gargant with Warlord Character Upgrade

Kyle -Space Marines

  • Tactical formation with 6 Tactical stands, 3 Rhinos, and a Supreme Commander upgrade.
  • Devastator formation with 4 Devastator stands, 2 Rhinos, and 1 Hunter
  • Terminator formation with 4 Terminator stands and a Chaplain upgrade
  • Whirlwind formation with 4 Whirlwinds
  • Assault formation with 4 Assault stands
  • Assault formation with 4 Assault stands
  • Thunderhawk Gunship
  • Land Speeder formation with 5 regular Land Speeders
  • Warlord Titan

Standard Tournament Scenario




Turn 1

Kyle teleports the Terminators right next to the gunwagons!

Strategy roll goes to the Orks!  Dominic goes first.

Dominic takes an Engage action with the Kult of Speed, who charge the Terminators!  …aaaaaaand bounce right off.  No Terminators die, and the bikes are broken and fleeing.

Next, Dominic retains the initiative, and Doubles with the Blitz Brigade to put the hurt on the Warlord Titan.  Just out of range with most regular Gunwagons, the Supa Zzap Gunz take down a grand total of… one void shield.

Kyle retaliates with a Sustained Fire action by the Titan.  The Gunwagons are shattered and break.

Retaining, Kyle sets the Whirlwinds loose on the ‘Uge Ork Warband with Indirect Fire.  Many gretchin die, much to the amusement of the orks!

Dominic moves the Evil Sunz mounted Warband up towards the objective with a Double.

Dominic tries to retain, but a poor roll leaves the Fighta Bommaz with a blast marker!

Kyle sends the Land Speeders to engage the Stompas.  One Stompa goes down, breaking the formation.

Dominic turns the gunz of the Great Gargant on the Terminators!  Three die, and the last flees!

Dominic takes a BIG GAMBLE and puts the ‘Uge Ork Warband on Overwatch!  Will it pay off?

Kyle Advances the Devastators, firing on the broken Blitz Brigade and scattering their remnants further.  However, a poor Dangerous Terrain roll loses the Hunter!  The Marines have no anti air!

Retaining the initiative, Kyle Marches with the Tactical formation to hold an objective.

Dominic puts the Blood Axe Warband on Overwatch, as they babysit the Objective on the board edge.

Kyle declares an Air Assault with the Thunderhawk, which brings BOTH Assault formations and goes for the Evil Sunz mounted warband!  AMAZING overwatch fire from the ‘Uge Warband kills three Assault stands, breaking one of the two formations, sending the survivors running.  The remaining Assault marines open the battlewagons like tuna cans, and wipe the whole formation out!



Turn 2

Kyle wins the Strategy roll, and sends the surviving Assault formation after the broken Ork bikes!  This assault was a complete disaster.  Whiffs and poor armor saves, plus FOUR WHOLE ROUNDS of fighting finally wipe out the Assault Marines, and leave one Ork Bike stand alive.

Dominic Doubles the Great Gargant, and puts the Land Speeders in his sights!  Poor rolls left four Speeders intact.

Kyle wanted to March to get the Warlord into position, but a blast marker ruins his day, and the Warlord end up moving once on a Hold action…

Dominic’s Fighta Bommers shake off their Blast Marker and put some SERIOUS hurt on the Whirlwinds!

The Land Speeders menace the ‘Uge Warband.

Having enough of the Land Speeder’s crap, the ‘Uge Warband charges them.  The Landspeeders lose two and break, but the Warband loses two as well, and loses the combat, forced to flee.

Kyle’s Whirlwinds Marshall to remove their blast markers.

Dominic gives the Great Gargant a Double to move it out where it can do some good, as it has no enemies to fight!  What a terrible fate for an Ork.

Kyle’s one remaining Assault Marine which regrouped earlier moves out and holds the objective.

Kyle bides his time, Advancing the Tactical marines, but not moving them.


Turn 3

Kyle wins the Strategy roll, and puts his Devastators on Overwatch.

Fighta Bommerz go after the last Assault Marine to clear the objective, but REALLY poor rolls keep the Assault Marines safe.

Kyle has a plan.  He needs the Titan to go off, but first he chains the Tactical Marines to hold both objectives!

Kyle’s plan falls apart as the Warlord fails again.

Dominic, to deny Kyle the They Shall Not Pass condition, Doubles the Gargant to get into Kyle’s table half.  Not to be outdone, Kyle Doubles his Devastators which loses a Rhino and a Devastator stand to dangerous terrain.  Now, neither player has They Shall Not Pass.

Kyle’s Assault Marines move into cover to protect themselves.

Dominic gambles and wins, putting the ‘Uge warband on March, and a ridiculous daisy chain CAPTURES THREE OBJECTIVES!

Final Score:

Blitzkrieg: NONE

Break Their Spirit: NONE

Defend The Flag: ORKS

Take and Hold: NONE

They Shall Not Pass: NONE

Final Score: Space Marines 0, Orks 1  Victory for the Orks!

Next, another training mission!

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Gaming

Epic Orks aplenty, 3000 pt. Teaching List complete!

31 Mar/15

You saw my previous post, with the squid.  That massive undertaking left me little time to finish the 3000 pts of Epic Orks that I promised to show my peeps in Highland tomorrow.

Just under the wire, I completed the last three formations.  Job’s a good ‘un!

Next: see these models (and my Space Marines) in action as my Highland peeps check out Epic Armageddon!  Stay tuned!

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Painting

On my plate 9/26/14: Distracted Edition

September 25, 2014
25 Sep/14

Things are not going great, but it’s high time for me to stop letting life get in the way and do some hardcore hobby action!  All three of my readers demand it!  Well, truth be told, they’ve been a bit silent, but I can feel it in their hearts.  My hobby bones are rumbling.

Bones rumble, don’t they?

Battlefleet Gothic Tau – As my Tau player dropped out during our campaign I sort of lost interest in painting this fleet.  However it’s about 1/3 done and I want to finish it so it should be my primary goal.  Other projects should jump in.  Status: 3 more capital ships, a large selection of escorts, and some defences left to do.  I also have to pick a scheme for the Nicassar.  Perhaps earth tones?  Or go super extravagant with gold?

Azure Flames – I need to finish my Grav Sternguard.  Next, a 5 man non-jump-pack assault squad with 2 flamers.  Finally, I need to make some new sergeants with power swords.  I have been getting MURDERED in challenges with Power Fists.  I also need Centurions, a Hunter/Stalker, and a Stormraven.

Orks – MORE LADZ!  I also need to buy some Fighta-bommaz and perhaps some new Big Gunz.

Battlefleet Gothic Eldar – I purchased a pre-painted Eldar fleet, but it had no light cruisers.  I won one of each light cruiser in an auction and I need to strip them and try to match the paint scheme of my new fleet.

Battlefleet Gothic Necrons – I need a paint scheme and I need to get painting.  They are the last thing for Gothic.  Until I buy a new fleet NO BAD BOZEMAN!

Blood Bowl Orcs – I need to make four Cheerleader goblins, and then paint them as well as my four Assistant Coach goblins and the team coach, Warboss Grimfang da Lotz.

Epic Orks – Gotta finish that 3000pt teaching list.

Epic Eldar – Gotta make a 3000 pt teaching list and build it and paint it as the Yme-Loc craftworld (gray and orange with white details)

Epic Lost and the Damned – 3000pt teaching list and paint it.

Necromunda – Paint my Escher gang, Razor and the Scumettes.

Epic Space Marines – Finish painting a whole chapter so I can say “I have painted a whole chapter of Space Marines.”

Space Hulk – Wait for an ebay auction for the new mission book and rulebook, and the new tiles.  Also “acquire” the expansions. *looks innocent*

Filed under: Azure Flames, Blood Bowl, Epic Armageddon, Modeling, Necromunda, Painting, WAAAAGH! Smartyskull!

A Funeral for Specialist Games

April 11, 2014
11 Apr/14

Specialist Games has been unsupported for a while now.  If you’re unfamiliar with me and my site, just look to the upper right.  I’m a huge cheerleader for Specialist Games.  I shed a tear when they stopped selling, but at least they kept the rules online for free.  It was a nice nod to the past.

The new Games Workshop website puts an end to that.  No more specialist.  Pour out a ’40 for them; they’re gone for good.

That’s not to say they’re DEAD.  You can still find the files online in several places.  I am considering building a Specialist Shrine right here on Four Strands Hobby just to make the files available to myself and others.

If you play specialist, KEEP IT ALIVE.  Share it.  Lend armies or fleets to friends.  Our friends are not gone so long as we remember them.

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic Armageddon, Gaming, Necromunda

On My Plate: 1/5/14

January 5, 2014
05 Jan/14

I have so many projects that I’m working on that I can’t really decide which to do, so hopefully laying them all out will let e get perspective.

-Battlefleet Gothic Necrons: Must come up with a paint scheme and paint.  I’m thinking Gold with green power pathways that have “pulses” of energy in a lighter green.

-Battlefleet Gothic Tau Kor’Or’Vesh: Another scheme and paint.  Perhaps Farsight Enclave?  Maroon and grey look good together.

-Azure Flames Grav Project: I have four tactical marines and two magnetic biker arms to complete.  After that, ten Sternguard veterans with Combi-Gravs.  Yes, ten.  Suck it superheavies and giant monstrous creatures.

-Blood Bowl: The Grimfang Scrappaz coach is partially done, as are assistant coaches.  I need to do a few cheerleaders and then paint them all.  I also need to do an Apothecary and Bloodweiser Babes…

-Epic: Finish painting Azure Flames, finish painting Ork 3000 point teaching list, finish Lost and the Damned Chaos Altar conversions, build and paint Eldar, and find two of the new version of the Revenant Titan for the Eldar.  Last ones on ebay went for $150 for the pair.

-Necromunda: Hired Guns are a priority if there’s going to be a campaign at AFK, and I also have Razor and the Scumettes to paint…

-Saratogan 58th: Still need a viable 1500 point list and/or allied detachment to take with the Azure Flames.  Note sure what I want.

-WAAAAGH! Smartyskull: Still need to paint half the stuff and find ways to improve the case situation, some stuff is getting dinged.

-Fantasy and Warmachine: On hold

Based on the above, I think I’m going to work on the Flames.  They are my main army, and grav weapons are FUN.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic Armageddon, Modeling, Necromunda, Painting, The Saratogan 58th, WAAAAGH! Smartyskull!

Blood Bowl Black Orc Blockers and Troll! Plus, Blood Bowl and Epic Compendium!

August 26, 2013
26 Aug/13

Black Orc Blockers are done, as is the Troll!  Next: Blitzers for the Scrappaz and Coaches for both teams.

Also, in case you hadn’t noticed, I put up a Compendium for both Blood Bowl and Epic Armageddon!  See the links in Features to the right.

Filed under: Blood Bowl, Epic Armageddon, Gaming, Painting

Epic Lost and the Damned Land Transporter

June 20, 2013
20 Jun/13

The above model is a Polish Suwalska Half-track APC from Brigade Models.  I have spent years and lots of money buying bits to “chaos out” these generic looking models.  It is only today that, completely by accident, I figured out the perfect thing to make the model more spiky: ordinary tack nails.  I added eight ends of nails and two small links of chain.  Now I only have to do that like 23 more times.

Still working on those Orks, I just had to do this because I was inspired by the shape of the nails.  I want to finish these Orks before I move in two weeks or I might never finish.

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Modeling

Epic Nurgle Plague Tower mod

June 1, 2013
01 Jun/13

I was bad a while ago.  I bought a bunch of stuff for my Lost and the Damned Epic army.  This included a Tzeentch Firelord and three Tzeentch Doomwings.  It also included most of a Nurgle Plague Tower.  This was my fault: I did not research what a Plague Tower should look like, and it was missing the Plague Mortar up top and the Nurgle symbol staff on the back.

So, I improvised.  I used a handcannon from the Privateer Press Devil Dogs mercenaries up top, and embedded it in a pustule of putty.  I added some drips to make it seem bursting with pus.  I then added putty to the back and three more pustules in the Nurgle symbol.  I used a pin vise in the top pustule when it was cured, put in a small piece of paperclip, and covered it with putty to make a spurt of goo.

Yeah, it’s not 100% authentic but it looks great and it’s way cheaper.

Next: Ork shootas!  The last of the shootas, then on to sluggas.

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Modeling
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