MOAR LADZ! Last of the Shoota Boys completed!

June 27, 2013
27 Jun/13

Once again, lads before and after showing the dipping process.

This was my last project before moving, so I might be a little dry for a while.  Next up: more Lost and the Damned, or possibly more 40K Orks.

Filed under: Painting, WAAAAGH! Smartyskull!

Battle Report Azure Flames vs. Eldar Combo 1750pts

June 26, 2013
26 Jun/13

Time for another battle report at Highland Library!  This game was against Ian, a veteran Dark Eldar player.  This game took place within the context of the ongoing campaign I mentioned earlier, so they use the old GW “Immortals” rules for experience.


Each army gets a mysterious objective in their deployment zone worth 2 victory points.  There is a SUPER mysterious objective with a weird chart to roll on in the center worth 3 victory points.  Dawn of War deployment. (12″ from long table edge).  All units can hold objectives, unless it is a non-walker vehicle that is trying to contest a point held by enemy infantry or walkers.  Basically a Rhino can hold an objective if no one else is there.

Azure Flames – Bozeman

-Antonius, Captain of the 4th Company.  Power Axe, Plasma Pistol, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs. (campaign items: Camo Cloak, Combi-melta shot, 18″ plasma pistol)

-6 Assault Terminators with Storm Shields in a dedicated Land Raider Crusader

-Tactical Squad, Combi Flamer, Powerfist, Meltagun, Missile Launcher in a Rhino with Extra Armor

-Tactical Squad, Combi Flamer, Powerfist, Meltagun, Missile Launcher in a Drop Pod

-Ironclad Dreadnought with heavy flamer in a Drop Pod

-5 man Scout Squad with a Powerfist in a Land Speeder Storm

-3 Land Speeders with Multi Meltas and Heavy Flamers


Dark Eldar with Eldar Allies – Ian (Note: I do not know the specifics of this list)

-Lord with a lot of wargear (Immortal)

-Wych squad in a Raider

-Warrior squad in a raider


-Succubus character with whips that re-roll to hit and to wound.

-5 Incubi in a Venom

-Razorwing Jetfighter


-5 Wraithblades

-Wave Serpent

-5 Rangers

-5 Rangers

Initial Setup

Turn 1 Combined Eldar

Dark Lance takes out the Land Raider because there was almost no terrain on the board, it being used elsewhere.  Venom with Incubi and Wych character zooms ahead.  Wave serpent closes in on mysterious objective.  Other skimmer move up and kill a few Terminators.  Oddly the Ravager fails to kill the Rhino.

Turn 1 Azure Flames

Rhino moves up pops smoke.  Tatsquad in crater makes a huge tactical error firing at the Ravager.  Terminators and Antonius consolidate around objective.  2nd tatsquad drops in and annihilates Rangers on enemy objective in forest.  Land speeders bake the Venom to death with glancing hits.

Turn 2 Combined Eldar

Wych character and Incubi eat most of the Tactical squad in the crater.  Combined fire kills all the terminators.  Farseer and Wraithblades disembark Wave Serpent and take the central Objective.  A weird effect causes one Wraithblade to die.  Ravager kills the drop pod.

Turn 2 Azure Flames

Ironclad Dreadnought drops in and puts a glance on one of the Raiders.  Rhino Tank Shocks Wraithblades, and one of them dies in a Death or Glory!  Land Speeders move flat out.  NOTE: in the picture below, I took it before resolving the combat, so the two Tactical Marines near the bottom died in combat.

Turn 3 Combined Eldar

Wych character and Incubi assault the back of the Rhino, glancing it.  Wave Serpent and Raider knock down 2 Land Speeders.  Jetfighter kills 8 Tactical Marines.  Antonius takes 1 wound from fire.

Turn 3 Azure Flames

Tactical Marines try to kill Wave Serpent, but fail. Land Speeder kills one Incubus.  Antonius shoots down the Raider with his Melta shot.  Ironclad Dread assaults the Farseer and Wraithblades, kills two.  No effect from the central objective (it became a kitten?)

Turn 4 Combined Eldar

Due to movement constraints, the Jetfighter is ineffectual.  Melta shot kills Antonius outright.  Ravager kills Drop Pod, and Wave Serpent kills Land Speeder.  Dreadnought kills Farseer and last Wraithblade.  Wych and Incubi put the last glance on the Rhino.

Turn 4 Azure Flames

Land Speeder Storm comes in, Scouts take enemy objective.  Ironclad walks over, kills Wych character and Incubi, and overruns back to the objective which oddly heals him?  I don’t know.

Turn 5 Combined Eldar

Wave Serpent kills 4/5 Scouts, Sergeant flees 4″ and is still on the objecive, regroups.  Immortal Lord and Wyches advance on the central objective.  Ravager and Raider put one Pen on the Dread, but it’s Crew Shaken.  Jetfighter kills the Land Speeder Storm.

Turn 5 Azure Flames

Dreadnought snap-fires at Raider ineffectually.  Game ends.

Final Victory Points

Azure Flames 5, Combined Eldar 0.

Final Analysis: HOLY CRAP.  I got the shit kicked out of me, had 2 models left, and STILL WON?  Odd.  First, flyers are a problem for a dude who stopped in 5th.  I need air support.  Second, vehicles are not all that anymore, as glancing results can just tear apart anything.  Third: I AM A BIT RUSTY AT THIS.  The tatsquad in the crater should have shot the Venom, and then the Land Speeders could have mopped up the Wych and Incubi.  I need more practice.  Sadly, I am not likely to get it due to 21st Century Comics and Games in Lansing closing.

All in all, a good game.  My opponent Ian was more than fair and played well.  However I was severely hindered by lack of terrain, and lack of anti-air.  I am moving to Lansing, so I might not be able to play with these guys in the future.  I hope I do, as they are great.  THEY NEED MORE TERRAIN THOUGH.  I donated a box of my old stuff to them, but perhaps they can do a Terrain Building event in the near future.  That would help a lot.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Gaming

Epic Lost and the Damned Land Transporter

June 20, 2013
20 Jun/13

The above model is a Polish Suwalska Half-track APC from Brigade Models.  I have spent years and lots of money buying bits to “chaos out” these generic looking models.  It is only today that, completely by accident, I figured out the perfect thing to make the model more spiky: ordinary tack nails.  I added eight ends of nails and two small links of chain.  Now I only have to do that like 23 more times.

Still working on those Orks, I just had to do this because I was inspired by the shape of the nails.  I want to finish these Orks before I move in two weeks or I might never finish.

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Modeling

Epic Lost and the Damned Daemon Prince and Chaos Altar

June 11, 2013
11 Jun/13

I’ve been a bit busy.  Got some new stuff for my Lost and the Damned.  Now you may ask, Bozeman, why all the Nurgle lately?  Surely other Chaos gods need love too.  My answer is that for the list I’m building, I need a big Nurgle blob squad tricked out and ready to summon daemons and hold an objective.  Hence, the altar and Daemon Prince.

First, the altar uses old pewter Ork trakks.  The body is a bit that I got in an auction a year ago and have no idea what it is.  A normal non-slotta round base makes up the filth pool, with a plaguebearer cut in half.  The plastic pustules are from the Tyranid Mawloc sting tail.  The hose nozzle is from the old plastic Ork Mega Stompa.  Chains were from a hobby store.  Finally, two beasts of Nurgle tow the thing.  I added a drop of putty to make it look all pus-filled.

The Daemon Prince was easy, I took an old Necromunda Milliasaur (not easy to find, or cheap) and added two Tyranid Mawloc mandibles.  It makes him look like Duriel from Diablo II, which is what the army is visually based on, in part.

Next: painted Ork shootas, a Tzeentch Chaos Altar, and possibly more!

Filed under: Modeling

Epic Nurgle Plague Tower mod

June 1, 2013
01 Jun/13

I was bad a while ago.  I bought a bunch of stuff for my Lost and the Damned Epic army.  This included a Tzeentch Firelord and three Tzeentch Doomwings.  It also included most of a Nurgle Plague Tower.  This was my fault: I did not research what a Plague Tower should look like, and it was missing the Plague Mortar up top and the Nurgle symbol staff on the back.

So, I improvised.  I used a handcannon from the Privateer Press Devil Dogs mercenaries up top, and embedded it in a pustule of putty.  I added some drips to make it seem bursting with pus.  I then added putty to the back and three more pustules in the Nurgle symbol.  I used a pin vise in the top pustule when it was cured, put in a small piece of paperclip, and covered it with putty to make a spurt of goo.

Yeah, it’s not 100% authentic but it looks great and it’s way cheaper.

Next: Ork shootas!  The last of the shootas, then on to sluggas.

Filed under: Epic Armageddon, Modeling
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