Legion Imperialis Sons of Horus Thunderhawk
July 22, 2024
I’ve been painting a lot of Legion Imperialis lately. May main faction is Sons of Horus, although I’m starting up some Solar Auxillia to have a teaching force. I added an image gallery for LI, but I never did a post on my painting scheme, so for all of you Sons of Horses who want your XVI Legion to look snazzy, here’s how:
- Primer: Black
- Green: Basecoat Sybarite Green. Wash with 50/50 Coelia Greenshade/Lahmian Medium. Reinforce flat panels or areas where the wash pooled too hard with Sybarite Green. Edge highlight Gauss Blaster Green.
- Black: Abbadon Black. Edge highlight Warpfang Gray.
- Metal: Two Thin Coats range Sir Coates Silver either drybrushed onto black for slightly larger or isolated pieces, or painted flat and then washed with 50/50 Nuln Oil/Lahmian Medium
- Bronze: Brass Scorpion
- Red: Small areas are pure Evil Sunz Scarlet. Larger areas or textured areas like capes are Pro Acryl White with Blood Angel Red contrast and then Trollslayer Orange on edge highlight or raised areas. (for this Thunderhawk, the Trollslayer Orange was mixed 50/50 with Contrast Medium and lined at the bottom of the panel)
- White: Pro Acryl White (literally miraculous compared to previous white paints I’ve used)
- Bases: Primer Grey Seer. Add Grey Seer to any place the primer didn’t hit well. Paint metallic areas with Warplock Bronze or Sir Coates Silver. Wash with 50/50 Nuln Oil/Lahmian Medium. Drybrush stipple flat areas to cover up wash and make it look like concrete. Reinforce base sides with Grey Seer.
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