Razorback Assault Cannon Turrets and Devastator Bolter Touchups
For a while, I’ve had to cannibalize the twin linked Assault Cannon from my Land Raiders when using that option on a Razorback.
No more.
With these Forge World beauties, I can now take another extremely viable weapon option as a support!
For touch ups, I decided to keep it simple. I chose five Devastator bolter marines painted recently, so they shouldn’t need too many touch ups, right?
It is amazing how these models that I painted for 7th edition (to better fill out a Demi Company) has so many mistakes, mould lines, and missed details. One was even overprimed and a little stay-puft-y. But they are in much better condition.
That’s not to say great. These are the Assault on Black Reach snap-fit marines. They are actually kind of awful sculpts. The collar on the back of the head is too high and blends into the head. There are a lot of 3D modelling errors such as cables on the arm/shoulder junction that look distorted. The poses leave a bit to be desired.
But they’re good enough for Tabletop Standard!
Next: The Judicar, last of the models in my Indominus Project, and another five Devastator Bolters!
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