The Bait rematch – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur vs. Imperial Navy

May 11, 2015
11 May/15

Stephen and I wanted to get together to play another game of Gothic.  However, due to mutual delays, we couldn’t get started until 9pm.  Stephen suggested a rematch of The Bait, which he played against my Dark Eldar.  This time, however, I was the pursued as my Tau Kor’or’vesh fleet!


Mission: The Bait

Setting: Outer Reaches


Bozeman – Tau Kor’or’vesh Shan’al Shi’ur

-Lar’shi’vre “Protector” class cruiser, T’au Lar’shi’vre Aloh Sho’ka, T’olku configuration (pursued ship)

-Il’porrui “Emmisary” class light cruiser, T’au Il’porrui M’yen Lar’shi, Bor’kan configuration (squadroned with two other ships below)

—–Il’porrui “Emmisary” class light cruiser, T’au Il’porrui Lynu Kar’tyr, Bor’kan configuration

—–Il’porrui “Emmisary” class light cruiser, T’au Il’porrui Sh’ve Mont’re, Sa’cea configuration

Vral Squadron: 4 Kir’la “Warden” escorts and 1 Kir’shash’vre “Castellan” escort


Stephen – Imperial Navy

-Avenger class grand cruiser

-Dauntless light cruiser (torpedo configuration)

-Dauntless light cruiser (lance configuration)

-Squadron of 2 Cobra destoryers




Turn 1 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

The Aloh Sho’ka fails to go on Come to a New Heading, and so simply moves and launches missiles and a fighter for a CAP.

Turn 1 – Imperial Navy

A bad roll prevents the fleet from going on special orders.  The whole fleet advances.

Turn 2 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Aloh Sho’ka Reloads Ordnance and turns.

Turn 2 – Imperial Navy

Cobras and the torpedo Dauntless get All Ahead Full, but the other ships don’t.  Small torpedo wave from a cobra stops the CAP around the Aloh Sho’ka, and the Dauntless fires torpedoes.  It fails to brace.  One damage causes an Engine Room Damaged result!

Turn 3 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Aloh Sho’ka re-launches a CAP and fires at the Cobras, taking down a shield.  The squadron of 3 Emissary light cruisers arrives, and fire 8 missiles at the lance Dauntless.  One missile is shot down by turrets and the rest… MISS!  8 misses on a roll of 5+! Things are looking down for the Tau…

Turn 3 – Imperial Navy

Fleet moves up, but fire is ineffective.  The other Cobra fires torpedoes at the Aloh Sho’ka and removes the fighters on CAP.

Turn 4 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Aloh Sho’ka goes on All Ahead Full to get around the Warp Rift.  The Emissaries Reload Ordnance and fire on the Dauntless again, doing minor damage.  The missiles remove a Cobra.

Turn 4 – Imperial Navy

The lance Dauntless fires on the Emissaries, but do no damage.  The torpedo Dauntless fails to reload, so it chases the Aloh Sho’ka.

Turn 5 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

The Emissaries Reload Ordnance, and combined fire reduces the lance Dauntless to a Blazing Hulk!  Vral Squadron comes in from the board edge, destroys the other Cobra, and lowers a shield on the torpedo Dauntless!  The Dauntless Braces for Impact.

Turn 5 – Imperial Navy

The blazing Dauntless suffers a Plasma Drive Overload, exploding and firing 4 lances at one of the Emissaries, lowering one shield and doing no damage.  The Avenger grand cruiser puts the Emissaries in its sight, but a poor roll does no damage.  Torpedo Dauntless on Brace fires ineffectually at Vral Squadron.

Turn 6 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Emmisaries Come to a New Heading to get a shot on the Avenger, but the order reduces their weapons and has little effect.  The Aloh Sho’ka Reloads Ordnance and fires missiles and a Manta Bomber.  Vral Squadron cripples the Dauntless.

Turn 6 – Imperial Navy

Dauntless disengages.  The Avenger fires on the Emissaries causing a Brace.

Turn 7 – Tau Shan’al Shi’ur

Emissaries fire on the Avenger, taking down only 2 shields.  Missiles and the Manta prove ineffective.

Turn 7 – Imperial Navy

Avenger disengages.  Turn not pictured.


Final score:

Bozeman: 219.5

Stephen: 0


Stephen really loves that Avenger.  Honestly, I can’t understand why.  It’s up-gunned, but only up close.  It has no dorsal or prow armaments to lend it some versatility.  It seems to be good only against the Imperial Navy, who also has to get close, or perhaps Tyranids.  I’m not a fan.  I’d rather have the Vengeance which can scare the pants off of Eldar, or the Exorcist for some fighter craft fun.  The Avenger lost him this game, even though it didn’t get hurt.  It was so SLOW, and short range that it didn’t get to do much.  More Dauntlesses, escorts, or Nova Cannons would have been nice.  A Dominator could have ended the Aloh Sho’ka in two or three turns with luck, or forced it to brace in fear the whole game.

Next: more Gothic?  Projects?  Perhaps some fun times at Highland?

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

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