Highland Library 40K Campaign
December 30, 2014
Visited my peeps at the Highland Library. A battle report to follow, but I thought I’d do a separate post to highlight the fantastic games going on during their Planetary Empires campaign. But first, a former colleague of mine, Dominic brought Space Hulk 4th Edition. Four new missions, a better hourglass, and other extras!
Here, Dominic engages in a Marine vs. Marine 3500 point battle with the same player he played in Space Hulk above.
Chaos clashed with Blood Angels in a huge melee.
Finally, all of the other members of the club got into a multi-player frenzy with at least six players! It started at 1pm and showed no signs of stopping at 6:30!
Next: a battle report for my game at Highland, complete with fluff! Stay tuned!
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