The Star Systems of the Chasma Spica

January 30, 2011
30 Jan/11

The Star Systems of the Chasma Spica

An Astronomical and Geological Report by the Emperor’s Humble Servant: Magos Tukmehn Kelhar


The Chasma Spica has long been closed to Imperial surveyors due to an ever-present Warp Storm.  I had the fortune of being a guest aboard the Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator ship Menelaus during its discovery that the Warp Storm had dissipated.  The Chasma Spica consists of a relatively dense region of space approximately 15 LY by 10 LY in the Segmentum Tempestus to the Galactic Southwest of Pavonis.  It contains eleven previously recorded but unexplored Star systems.  Surveys discovered that six of these systems have valuable planets.  These six systems were renamed, to better identify them.  Due to enemy presence, a full Geologic survey of each planet was impossible.  However, with the assistance of the Azure Flames Adeptus Astartes chapter, data about each planet was gathered to the maximum degree possible.


Due to such a large number of star systems being explored in such a short period of time, the Azure Flames Adeptus Astartes Chapter assisted me by relaying their sensor data.  They also launched several class theta probes to gain more information about each world.  Long range sensors of the Menelaus were also used to gather information in several systems.  Planetside surveys are impossible, due to unknown disposition of Chaos forces in the Chasma Spica.  Several systems have very little data due to the interference of Enemy fleets.

Observations and Data

The Chasma Spica is a dense region of space.  Systems are usually 2.4 to 3.8 LY from each other.  The Warp storm encapsulated this entire region and an area 13 AU beyond it, denoted in previous star charts.  Most of the systems are clustered around the Iperin system, with notable exceptions being the Tashka System and the CZ 184 system.  Isotopic analysis of dust clouds in all eleven of these systems confirms that these nine clustered systems originated from the same parent nebula.  Data collection was hampered significantly in the Je’lani and CZ 184 systems.  Long range scans of these systems and brief sensor data are avaialble.  Detailed observations will proceed from Galactic North to Galactic South.

CZ 184 is a Red Giant star class K.  Observed surface temperature is 4,182 K.  Luminosity is 2.43×10^28 Watts.  No sattelites detected.  Data are from long-range sensors only due to enemy interference.

Julius is a main sequence star class F.  Observed surface temperature is 6,616 K.  Luminosity is 4.47×10^27 Watts.    Julius has three main satellites.  Julius Alpha is .87 AU from Julius and has a radius of 5731 km.  Due to the high temperature of Julius, and Julius Alpha’s proximity to it, and its small size, Julius Alpha has no detectable atmosphere.  Tectonic forces are prevalent on Julius Alpha.  Several volcanoes appear on its surface.  Long-range laser seismographs aboard class theta probe indicate almost constant earthquakes.  Julius Alpha is designated class delta, a dead world.   Julius Beta is 1.61 AU from Julius and has a radius of 6,403 km.  Julius Beta has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere consistent with alpha class agri-worlds.  Julius Gamma is a Gas Giant 3.95 AU from Julius.  Julius Gamma’s radius is 80,349 km.  Julius Gamma has fourteen minor satellites.  One of which, Julius Gamma Kappa, has a carbon dioxide atmosphere and frozen water.  Currently classified delta tau, death world.  The Julius system also has two Asteroid belts at 3.08 and 4.87 AU of light density.  Most asteroids in the first belt are iron-chondrites.  The second belt is composed of both iron-chondrites and ice.

CE 811 and CE 811 alpha are Binary stars orbiting each other.  CE 811 is a main sequence class A with a surface temperature of 8231 K.  Luminosity is 4.51×10^28 Watts.    CE 811 alpha is a main sequence red dwarf class K with a surface temperature of 4090 K.  Luminosity is 1.93×10^25 Watts.    The CE 811 system is full of gas and dust clouds, possibly formed by extreme solar prominences during early collisions of the stars.

Je’lani is a main sequence class K with a surface temperature of 4432 K. Luminosity is 6.04×10^25 Watts.    Je’lani has one satellite, Je’lani alpha, a Gas Giant at .74 AU.  No further data due to destruction of probe by enemy incursion.

TU 32 is a White Dwarf class A with a surface temperature of 7743 K. Luminosity is 2.66×10^22 Watts.    Large amounts of gas and dust clouds and asteroid fields indicate that TU 32 was much larger and went nova as it accreted a hypothetical gas satellite.

EQ 77 is a Red Dwarf main sequence class M with a surface temperature of 2973 K.  Luminosity is 1.362×10^23 Watts.  Asteroids and gas and dust clouds present in great amounts.  EQ 77 was most likely a larger Red Giant that ran out of Helium and collapsed.  It is currently fusing larger elements to stay lit.  It does not have the mass required to collapse into a singularity.  EQ 77 has one minor satellite, EQ 77 alpha, at 4.2 AU.  It has an average radius of 1973 km.  EQ 77 alpha is extremely irregular and completely uninhabitable.

Iperin is a main sequence star with a surface temperature of 5814 K.  Luminosity is 1.034×10^26 Watts.  The Iperin system has several satellites.  Iperin Alpha is .709 AU out, and has a radius of 3107 km.  Iperin Alpha has a thin CO2 atmosphere, similar to the proto-atmosphere of Mars.  Infared readings and tectonic scans indicate no internal planetary energy; hence Iperin Alpha is classified as a class delta, dead world.  Iperin Prime is 1.13 AU out and has a radius of 5,982 km.  Despite the smaller radius, gravitometric scans indicate that surface G is approximately 1, which leads me to believe that the core of this world is slightly more enriched in Iron than Holy Terra.  Magnetic readings unavailable.  Atmosphere is a 65% N2, 18% O2, and 12% Argon, with variable other gases such as CO2 and water vapor.  High-orbital photography indicates complex weather systems, two main continental masses, and a large planet-spanning ocean.  Ice caps exist on both poles.  The southern continent is also partially covered by ice.  Tectonic scans indicate that this is a geologically active world.  Iperin prime also has two moons, Iperin Prime Alpha and Beta, which orbit at distances of 10,342 km and 14,376 km respectively.  Both moons are delta class dead worlds and have no atmospheres.  Iperin Prime is designated alpha class.  Iperin Gamma is 1.9 AU out and has a radius of 1,903 km.  It has a thin atmosphere composed of CO2 and other trace gases, and is designated a class delta dead world. Iperin Delta is a gas giant 4.38 AU out, and has a radius of 80,311 km.  Iperin Delta has an extensive system of rings, numbering approximately 483.  Iperin Delta has several hundred moons, all of which are asteroids or delta class dead worlds with a radius of less than 1,500 km, except for one moon designated Iperin Delta Upsilon.  This moon has a radius of 3142 km and has an atmosphere compsed of 32% water vapor, 54% CO2 and 10% O2 with other trace gases.  Iperin Delta Upsilon has liquid oceans that undergo huge tidal action because of the moon’s proximity to Iperin Delta.  This tidal action causes friction, which keeps the oceans liquid despite Iperin Delta Upsilon’s distance from its star.  According to spectrographic scans, these oceans are rich with chloroplast bearing lifeforms which provide the oxygen component of the atmosphere.  The carbon dioxide rich atmosphere means that human beings should wear CO2-scrubbing respirators while on Iperin Delta Upsilon.  Several volcanic islands dot the moon’s surface, and tectonic sensors show incredible stress on the moon’s plates, probably due to the same gravitational shearing that cause it’s tidal action.  Iperin Delta Upsilon is designated delta tau, death world, due to its treacherous shifting oceans, tectonic and volcanic action, and extreme temperatures.  Iperin Epsilon is a gas giant 7.12 AU out, and has a radius of 58,984 km.  It has a minor ring system numbering 13 rings, and has several moons, none of which are significant.

Veovis is a main sequence star with a surface temperature of 5,002 K.  Luminosity is 7.9×10^25 Watts.  The Veovis system has one primary satellite and several gas and dust clouds, and asteroid belts.  Asteroid belts are located at 3.8, 4.7 and 8.2 AU out from Veovis.  Veovis Alpha is a gas giant 1.83 AU out and has a radius of 97,313 km.  Veovis Alpha has several moons, but only two moons of significance; Veovis Alpha Gamma and Veovis Alpha Zeta.  Veovis Alpha Gamma is an iron-chondrite concretion approximately 847km in diameter.  It has no atmosphere and is designated delta class, death world.  Veovis Alpha Zeta is 1,382 km in diameter and has an atmosphere composed of 63% CO2, 23% water vapor, 12% H2SO4, and 8% complex hyrdocarbons.  Seismic readings indicate minor tectonic activity.  Long-range spectrographic scans identified several large bodies of liquid on the surface of Veovis Alpha Zeta consisting of various complex hydrocarbons.  Veovis Alpha Zeta is classified delta tau, death world.

RY 9 is a white dwarf with a surface temperature of 9,382 K.  Luminosity is 2.38×10^23 Watts.  RY 9 has several gas and dust clouds, and scattered irregular asteroid fields.

Tashka is a giant with a surface temperature of 4,587 K.  Luminosity is 1.87×10^28 Watts.  The Tashka system has one major asteroid belt at 3.63 AU from the primary.  Tashka has two primary satellites.  Tashka Alpha is 2.65 AU out and has a radius of 2,982 km.  Tashka Alpha has no atmosphere and is designated delta class, dead world.  Tashka Beta is a gas giant 4.74 AU out and has a radius of 91,283 km.  Tashka Beta has a ring system numbering 37 rings.  Tashka Beta has five moons, the only significant moon of which is Tashka Prime.  Tashka Prime has a radius of 4,782 km and has an atmosphere composed of 63% N2, 21% Argon, 12% O2, and other trace gases.  The moon has several liquid oceans and consists of mostly volcanic archipelagoes with one major continent straddling the moon’s equator.  Tashka Prime is classified lambda class, livable world.

Malkoth is a main sequence star with a surface temperature of 6,359 K.  Luminosity is 1.6×10^26 Watts.  Malkoth has asteroid belts at 4.3 and 11.6 AU.  Malkoth also has extreme gas cloud distribution and random asteroid fields ranging from 6.9 to 7.3 AU out.  Possibly remnants of two or more gas giants that collided or were torn apart somehow.  Malkoth Alpha is 1.3 AU out and has a radius of 5,612 km.  It has an atmosphere composed of 68% N2, 28% CO2, and other trace gases.  Tectonic activity is minimal.  Extensive life signs detected from orbit, type unknown.


The Chasma Spica has an incredible wealth of unexplored livable or exploitable worlds.  Several of the dead worlds in a variety of systems would be perfect for class rho research stations.  Julius Beta, Iperin Prime, Iperin Delta Upsilon, and Tashka Beta Delta are currently habitable by human beings.  Julius Beta is the ideal candidate for an agri-world, but is too valuable for its cropland than for any other purpose.  Iperin Delta Upsilon would be suitable as an agri-world if the local life proves nutritious, or if a suitable replacement can be introduced.  Iperin Prime and Tashka Prime are the finds of a lifetime.  Both are extremely earthlike and could be put to any number of purposes including Hive worlds.  Malkoth Alpha could also become usable after terraforming processes alter the atmosphere.  Veovis Alpha Zeta is a hazardous world, but the natural complex hydrocarbons in its atmosphere and oceans are ideal for refinement into promethium and other fuels.  I recommend that Imperial forces seize control of the Chasma Spica at all costs.

Magos Tukmehn Kelhar

Magos Supremis Geologis

Filed under: Storytelling

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