Lasgun Girls and Khimerix

October 31, 2022
31 Oct/22

Finished some more painting! Here’s some gangers with Lasguns for Razor and the Scumettes!

Jennifer (the one with purple hair) is named after the only female dev for Maniac Mansion. The others (and all other gangers) are named with an automatic online Escher name generator.

Next, the fearsome (and expensive) Khimerix!

Named Weird Ed, he looks nothing like his Maniac Mansion counterpart.

Next: Alternate weapon loadouts for Wendy and Sandy, plus Juves! Also coming up, a major blowout Necromunda narrative event!

Filed under: Necromunda, Painting

Big Necromunda Update

October 29, 2022
29 Oct/22

It’s been a while since I’ve updated due to the hectic life of a Necromunda Arbitrator. Here’s a huge dump of awesome stuff!

First, I finished Wendy and Sandy, my Champion and Specialist, with Needle Rifles.

Wendy and Sandy are, as previous characters, based on characters from Maniac Mansion:

Next, the second of the major narrative events happened for my Necromunda Campaign: Diamonds in the Sump! The leaders of the player gangs and their trusted seconds were ambushed by an Inquisitor who was an enemy of the Inquisitor that hired them for the first event! Luckily, Kal Jerico himself was there to provide an opening. The leader of the Field Testers, Syn Ducote (Van Saar) fragged the Inquisitor and made his escape! The rest of the gangs ran down a huge hallway from the Inquisitor’s private Enforcer Squad!

Finally, a shipment came in from Forge World, and I have a pair of brand new Phyrr Cats to add to battles for Razor and the Scumettes!

Next: more Necromunda including the next narrative event which will prove to be a shocker!

Filed under: Gaming, Necromunda, Painting, Storytelling

Edna, former nurse, current Death Maiden for Razor and the Scumettes

September 19, 2022
19 Sep/22

Edna is armed with two Stiletto Swords, and with her poison blood and a Chem Synth, she can put even the beefiest combatant on the ground.

Edna is based on Nurse Edna from Maniac Mansion:

Next, more Eschers!

Filed under: Modeling, Necromunda, Painting

Necromunda Downtime Multiplayer Game and Squad Batarian, IVth squad, VIIth Company of the Imperial Fists

September 5, 2022
05 Sep/22

This weekend was a blast! Five players (not including myself) participated in a narrative six way multiplayer battle! An Inquisitor bullied the gangs into attacking an underground prison compound. Here was the board setup:

Each player got one of the 5 tiles on the top of this picture, and their goal was to kill a specific model and open the doors in the cells at the bottom. Things began cordially, and then Dan’s Cawdor smoked one of Josh’s Goliath’s with a Krak Grenade arrow and it went downhill from there. Petra’s ash waste bug monster rampages through the halls, killing at will. Zach’s Palanite Enforcers went up the right side, smashing as they went.

All through this, odd things happened. The “Traitors” that the gangs were supposedly fighting had oddly accurate weaponry, and Matt’s gang leader, an unsanctioned psyker, found himself trying to undo warpcraft from somewhere! Further, the target was eliminated by his own plasma pistol exploding and Dan’s Cherub found something interesting on the body…

Finally, after two gangs bottled and most fighters were down, the cells were opened, to find the prisoners executed! Oh well, three players got special inquisitorial sanctions for not bottling.

After this, I managed to finish the special antagonists I’ve been working on: Squad Batarian, IVth Squad, VIIth Company of the Imperial Fists, stationed in the Necromunda Fortress Monastery.

In truth they’ve been done for a while, but I was waiting on decals. No regular Space Marine sets have black tactical arrows! I had to special order two sheets of Imperial Fist ones.

As you can see above, I did two decals, one over the other. I also added some nifty battle damage and tried to get poses to be as dynamic as I could without repeating.

Marines were sprayed Wraithbone, coated Iyanden Yellow Contrast, and then brought up with yellow and highlighted light yellow. Reds are Blood Angels Contrast. Metals are Boltgun washed with Nuln Oil. I did the bases with black spray, Boltgun, and rust pigment, stippled in places with orange. Cursive names were freehand.

Soon: more gangers and more Necromunda goodness!

Filed under: Modeling, Necromunda, Painting, Storytelling

Necromunda Campaign

September 3, 2022
03 Sep/22

I’ve been silent because I haven’t had a lot to share, and my site got hacked. (so much for the new servers!) However, I’m breaking silence to show off the leader of my new Necromunda gang: Razor and the Scumettes!

Yes, Razor is based on the punk rock character from Maniac Mansion. The whole gang is themed that way!

Next: more gangers! This site may also be moved to squarespace if I can’t stop it from being hacked!

Filed under: Necromunda, Painting

Techmarine Touch-up and Multi-Melta replacement

December 31, 2021
31 Dec/21

As part of my case touchup project, I’m still doing primaris, then firstborn, then repeating, adding custom decals in between.

For my firstborn project, I wanted to do a Contemptor dreadnought, but something more immediate caught my eye.  My old Techmarine with Servo-Harness model was severely damaged in the case and needed a strong paint touch-up.

Additionally, during the Tanksgiving mega-battle, I realized one of my removable Multi-meltas for my Land Raider had been lost!  Thanks to Brian of Dice Abide and Red Wunz Go Fasta, I was able to kitbash a replacement.

Next: Infiltrators!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Painting

Primaris Ory-Hara the Silent, Chief Librarian of the Azure Flames

December 15, 2021
15 Dec/21

In keeping with my custom of alternating Primaris and Firstborn projects, I have completed a Primaris Librarian that I’ve had for years but have never used much because of the lack of paint.

Considering the age of the older model for Ory-Hara, I decided that he crossed the Rubicon Primaris.


Next: my Techmarine in Full Servo Harness was severely damaged recently, so he’s getting a touch up.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Modeling, Painting

8th Squad 3rd Compant Assault Marines touchup!

November 15, 2021
15 Nov/21

Touchup complete!  Next: Primaris Librarian!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Painting

New Host, hackers defeated, and Suppressors complete!

August 26, 2021
26 Aug/21

I’ve been absent for a while, party due to personal issues, but also partly due to filthy hackers!  Fourstrands was locked.  Not for ransom, but for some sort of information hosting against my will.  It probably wasn’t porn, and if it was, the bastards didn’t offer to share it.

Regardless, thanks to the tireless efforts of Lexington, who understands the ways of the lightning boxes, Fourstrands is back under Dreamhost!

And none too soon!  I have a squad of Space Marine Suppressors to add to my collection!



You’ll notice that I haven’t used any of those dreadful new flying stands.  I instead used a pin vise to drill into the thigh areas of the models, and used an old fashioned flying base stand.

I began painting these with Lexington when I went to visit, and finished them up at a paint night at AFK games.

Next: a revamp of an Assault Squad!  Plus, various repairs to the site.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Modeling, Painting

Blood Bowl Chameleon Skinks and Team Markers

January 7, 2021
07 Jan/21

With the new edition of Blood Bowl, it seems the Chameleon Skinks, previously not fantastic, are now super good! So I had to have two.

Sadly, they’re hard to find by themselves, and the new models don’t fit the self-built aesthetic of the Konquata Monitors.

So I ebayed up some archive Chameleon Skinks (got a good price) and stripped them, then converted them pretty hard.

Behold, the newest members of the Konquata Monitors!

The old pewter Chameleon Skinks had grenades that needed to be snipped off. Then, I shaved down the arms of some plastic Skinks and rebuilt the fingers to have two conjoined grasping fingers like a chameleon. Then I added putty here and there to cover up scars from the grenade clipping.

Sadly, the two sculpts I got were the same (there used to be two) but that only make my creative juices flow for ways to differentiate them. Ehecatl had a hole drilled in his mouth, and pinned with a paperclip length. To the end, I puttied a sticky tongue, and then sculpted a Blue Morpho butterfly.

Each player of course has Genestealer armor plates for shoulder pads, decorated with their number in Mayan numerals. They also have Nahautl names.

I wasn’t done! With the first season box set I had, there were no card tokens to keep track of turn, re-rolls, and score. So I raided my bitz and found suitable pieces for the Monitors as well as the Grimfang Scrappaz.

Now I’ll be playing in style!

Next: more batreps and some Infiltrators!

Filed under: Blood Bowl, Modeling, Painting
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