Golden Rhino Tournament 2016

July 26, 2016
26 Jul/16

The time has come.  Will I be able to pull off wins two years in a row?  Read on to find out!


Game 1

Opponent: Andrew – Riptide-heavy Tau

Mission: Time is of the Essence – Dawn of War deployment.  Beginning on turn 2, objectives score points = current turn.  After the game, lose one point for each of your units destroyed, cannot go below zero.

Game started off good, as Leonidas and the Terminators got a turn one charge!



However, their victory was short lived.  Reducing the unlucky Riptide to one wound, the Riptide commits suicide by using its Nova Charge!  With the Riptide removed, the Terminators are vulnerable to a charge.  Worse, the Ironclad is lost to overwatch fire during a charge.  In the end I was completely tabled by the bottom of turn 4.


In the end, I didn’t have what it takes to kill three Riptides and a Stormsurge.  Worse, this Riptide formation let them re-roll a huge amount of their failed Nova Charge checks, and gave them a one turn feat to shoot even more.  Honestly, I’m not sure how to make a tournament list to deal with this sort of Riptide spam.  Some people mentioned the right psychic powers, but I didn’t have the points for a psyker this time.


Game 2

Opponent: Zach – Tyranids on foot

Mission: Maelstrom of Confusion – Vanguard Strike Deployment.  Gain 3 Maelstrom objectives each turn.  At the end of your turn, after discarding, any objective not scored is SCORED NEGATIVE AND DISCARDED!  Objectives 11-16 are from the book, not your codex.  Any D3 for scores for objectives is assumed to be a “2.”

Zach’s Tyranids somehow brought an Aegis Defense Line, and hid behind it.  This was no match for charging Terminators and Drop Pods.  The highlight of the match was a deep striking Mawloc eating all five Terminators, right behind Leonidas!


However, at the end of the game, only the Swarmlord and his buddies the Tyrant Guard survived.  Zach drew the absolute WORST objectives, and did not score until turn 5, whereas I drew like a god and scored positive every turn, with one turn scoring 7 points!


Game 3

Opponent: Michael – Imperial Guard with Creed and a Stormlord Superheavy tank

Mission: Right Place at the Wrong Time – Hammer and Anvil deployment.  6 objectives.  When an objective is identified, roll a D6.  On a 1, it explodes and is removed!  On a 2-3 it is removed.  On a 4+ it is identified as a Mysterious Objective as normal, but all results of “1” are re-rolled.

To start us off, all 3 objectives in the deployment zones were fake, revealing the three in the center as real!  I rushed in to smash the Guard quickly.


Most of my army converged on the Stormlord, inside of which was all but 2 of the guard squads.  When it exploded, most of Michael’s army went with it…


I tabled Michael by the top of turn 3.  It was insane.  I have played Michael with a list similar to this before, but I’ve never seen a victory this one sided.  This is what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket.


Final result:

I got 7th out of 16 players.  Ah well, it was pretty fun!  the winner was Josh, who played his Tau with lots of marker light drones and moving defense buildings!


Big thanks to Ian and Dawn for organizing this insanely complicated event.  Thanks also to all of my opponents and fellow players!

Next: painting hopefully!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Gaming

Golden Rhino 2016 Display Board

July 25, 2016
25 Jul/16


My forces are marshaled for war.  Tomorrow: the Golden Rhino Tournament at Highland.  1500 Highlander, three rounds.

I am ready.

Filed under: Azure Flames, Modeling, Painting

Battlefleet Gothic – 1500 Blockade Run – Dark Eldar vs. Imperial Navy

July 15, 2016
15 Jul/16

Stephen and I finally got our schedules to sync up and we got to play Battlefleet Gothic.  I brought my Dark Eldar.  Will they finally get a win, or will they continue their embarrassingly long losing streak?

(sorry about the picture quality, my camera was NOT behaving)

Blockade Run -1500 points


Bozeman – Dark Eldar – 1500 points (defender)

-Dread Archon (Ld+2), 1 Re-roll (aboard The Bliss of Pain)

-Torture class cruiser The Bliss of Pain, Launch Bays, Mimic Engines

-Torture class cruiser Osan’gar, Phantom Lance, Mimic Engines

-Torture class cruiser Aran’gar, Phantom Lance, Mimic Engines

-Corsair Escort x4 Red Teardrops, Phantom Lance, Mimic Engines

-Corsair Escort x3 Razorlace, Torpedoes, Mimic Engines

-Corsair Escort x4, The Chosen, Impaler Assault Modules, Mimic Engines


Stephen – Imperial Navy – 750 points (attacker)

-Admiral (Ld8) (aboard the Lance Dauntless)

-Lunar class cruiser

-Dauntless light cruiser, lance

-Dauntless light cruiser, torpedoes

-Sword class frigate x3

-Sword class frigate x3

-Cobra class destroyer x3




Due to my Mimic Engines, I took a free move before the game began.



Turn 1 – Dark Eldar

Lucky me, I got first turn!  Razorlace goes on Come to a New Heading and fire Leech Torpedoes at the Torpedo Dauntless, causing a Brace and two Leech effects.  The Osan’gar and The Bliss of Pain do three damage to the Lance Dauntless.  The Chosen take out one of the Cobras with batteries, while their Impalers and the Aran’gar destroy one of the Sword squadrons.  The Red Teardrops cripple the Lunar.


Leech Torpedoes put the slowdown the Torpedo Dauntless as the Lance Dauntless takes fire from two cruisers, crippling it.


The Swords are wiped out, and the Lunar takes some severe damage, smashing its bridge!

Turn 1 – Imperial Navy

Surviving Sword squadron locks on, but does only one damage to the Osan’gar.  Remaining fire is under the effect of Brace For Impact and so can’t really do much.  Torpedo Dauntless rolls spectacularly and fixes both Leech results!


Leech Torpedoes put the slowdown on the Dauntless as the Swords try Lock On to damage the Osan’gar.  Good brace save protect it mostly.


Brace for impact plus being crippled equals not a lot of firepower.


The Cobras make a break for it.

Turn 2 – Dark Eldar

Razorlace reloads and fires regular torpedoes which eat it in a blast marker.  Most of the rest of the fleet finish off the Lunar as The Chosen remove the Cobras.


Torpedoes have little effect when they don’t get there due to stupid Blast Markers.


The Lunar is reduced to a blazing hulk.


Cobras are no more.

Turn 2 – Imperial Navy

Torpedo Dauntless goes on All Ahead Full to get away, as the rest of the fleet makes a break for it.


Turn 3 – Dark Eldar

The Osan’gar boards the Lance Dauntless and takes it out.  Fire from Razorlace removes the Swords.


Here comes trouble.

Turn 3 – Imperial Navy

Surviving Dauntless goes on All Ahead Full.


Will he get away?

Turn 4 – Dark Eldar

Spoiler: no.  Stephen refuses Brace for Impact so he can try to get off the board next turn, but Razorlace and Osan’gar finish it off with a lucky critical hit to the engines.



Final Score:

Dark Eldar – 750 points

Imperial Navy – 0 points


I got very unlucky and 2/3 of my fleet was in the right 1/3 of the board.  Stephen could have taken advantage of this and gone up his left side.  I also got lucky and got 1st turn, turning my Mimic Engine move into a lethal Alpha Strike.

Next: more painting and a tournament!

Filed under: Battlefleet Gothic, Gaming

Highland June Tournament Prep part 2 – Maelstrom of Confusion

July 4, 2016
04 Jul/16

My second prep game was against Drew, who brought his Space Wolves!  Sadly, Drew will not participate in the tournament due to job issues.  This is a damn shame because Drew was a delight to play against and his list was fun, fluffy, and challenging!  We played mission 2: Maelstrom of Confusion.


Bozeman – Azure Flames Space Marines (Salamanders)

  • Combined Arms Detachment
    • Leonidas, Captain of the 1st Company (counts as Vulkan He’stan)
    • Ironclad Dreadnought, Chainfist, replace Storm Bolter with Heavy Flamer, Ironclad Launchers
      • Drop Pod
    • Terminator Assault Squad x5, 5x Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield
      • Land Raider Redeemer, Extra Armour, Multi-Melta
    • Tactical Squad x10, Veteran Sergeant, Power Fist, Bolter-Melta, Meltagun, Multi-Melta
      • Drop Pod
    • Scout Squad x5
      • Land Speeder Storm, Multi-Melta
    • Land Speeder Squadron x3, 3x Multi-Melta
    • Stormtalon Gunship, Skyhammer Missile Launcher


Drew – Space Wolves

  • Combined Arms Detatchment
    • Ulrik the Slayer
    • Murderfang
    • Berserker Dreadnought, Shield, Axe
    • Blood Claws x5, Flamer
      • Razorback, Twin Linked Lascannon, Dozer Blade
    • Grey Hunters x5, Plasma Gun
      • Razorback, Twin Linked Lascannon, Dozer Blade
    • Predator Squadron x2, Twin Linked Lascannon, Spnson Lascannons
    • Sicaran Battle Tank, Reinforced Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Heavy Bolter Sponsons
  • Wolfkin Formation
    • 40 Fenrisian Wolves


Mission: Maelstrom of Confusion

As per all tournament games, terrain is set up by players rolling off and then alternating placement.  All boards will have one large impassable line of sight blocking terrain, 2 ruins, 2 forests, 1 crater, 1 lake or other water feature, and 1 medium building that has the special rule: At Any Cost Necessary – This building may be targeted by shooting or assault regardless of who holds it.

Deployment: Vanguard Strike

At the beginning of each player’s turn, they generate 3 tactical objectives.  If it is impossible to achieve (i.e. casting a psychic power but you have no psykers) you must immediately discard it and draw another.  At the end of the player’s turn, they may discard one objective.  After discarding, any objective that is not achieved is SCORED NEGATIVELY and discarded!  This negative score cannot bring your victory points total below zero.






Uncharacteristically, I seized the initiative!

Azure Flames – Turn 1

Land Speeders try to gain objective 5, and one gets immobilized in terrain!  Ironclad drops in, stuns the Shield/Axe Dreadnought.  Land Raider advances, pops smoke.  I score -7 points, which does not bring me below zero.


One Land Speeder crashes to try to get objective 5


Land Raider menaces the right side of the board.


Hey!  Wanna be my friend?

Space Wolves – Turn 1

Sicaran glances the Ironclad to death.  Blood Claws occupy the building.  Wolves with Ulrik attached advance.  Lascannons immobilize another Land Speeder.


Wave of wolves!


In hindsight, I should have positioned the Ironclad so that its rear armor faced the board edge.

DSCF1530The Land Speeders take fire.

Azure Flames – Turn 2

Remaining mobile Land Speeder tries to shoot the Razorback, but does nothing.  Leonidas and the Terminators charge the Blood Claws in the building, wiping them out.  Tactical Squad blasts Murderfang and it explodes!


The Terminators take the building as the rest of the army advances.


Tactical Sqaud takes out some wolves.

Space Wolves – Turn 2

Wolves with Ulrik surround the building, but on snake eyes cannot charge the Terminators!  Sicaran kills a few tactical marines, and backs up to control the objective.  Land Speeder glanced by lascannons.


Wolves needed a “3” to charge.  Guess what they got?



Azure Flames – Turn 3

Leonidas and the Terminators hang out to hold the building.  Combined fire from Leonidas, Land Raider, and Tactical Squad decimate the wolves.  Land Speeder and Stormtalon fire on Razorback, taking out its lascannon.  Land Speeder Storm comes in and destroys the Dreadnought.


Wolves are severely weakened.


The Razorback takes severe damage.


No more Dreadnought!

Space Wolves – Turn 3

Grey Hunters glance the Land Speeder Storm.  Ulrik and the remaining wolves charge the Tactical Squad, destroying them.  Sicaran takes down the Stormtalon and lascannons fry the Land Speeder.  Turn not pictured.

Azure Flames – Turn 4

Scouts get out and charge a Predator, destroying one sponson lascannon.  Leonidas and the Terminators charge Ulrik and the wolves, killing all wolves!  Ulrik survives against all odds.


Scouts harass the Predators.


Ulrik is on his own!

Space Wolves – Turn 4

Shots from the Grey Hunters break the Scouts and they flee into the lake.  Lascannons bust the Land Speeder Storm.  Ulrik goes down.


Glub Glub

DSCF1545Ulrik is slain!

Azure Flames – Turn 5

Terminators break off to charge the wounded Razorback, and smash it.  Leonidas charges the other Razorback and breaks it.  Scouts regroup and charge the predator, glancing it.


Scouts won’t give up!


A one…


…and a two!

Space Wolves – Turn 5

Sicaran puts two wounds on Leonidas.  Lascannon kills one Terminator.  Game ends.




Ouch again!


Final score

Azure Flames: 8 + Slay The Warlord + Linebreaker = 10

Space Wolves: 11 + First Blood + Linebreaker = 13


This was a very fun game.  There were one or two moments where I cursed a bit, such as Drew being able to shoot the Stormtalon being only able to see a wingtip, or hitting rear armor on the Ironclad because I didn’t think of placement.  I also didn’t get access to objectives well because they were set up by a 3rd party.  I also repeat my claim that Maelstrom is not as good as straightforward missions.  Had I drawn (or rolled D3s) better this would have been a tie or win, and you know how I feel about randomness.  However, this was still one of the best games I’ve played in a while thanks to Drew who knew 7th ed like the back of his hand!

Next: more painting, a display board, and the tournament!

Filed under: Azure Flames, Gaming
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