On my plate 9/26/14: Distracted Edition

September 25, 2014
25 Sep/14

Things are not going great, but it’s high time for me to stop letting life get in the way and do some hardcore hobby action!  All three of my readers demand it!  Well, truth be told, they’ve been a bit silent, but I can feel it in their hearts.  My hobby bones are rumbling.

Bones rumble, don’t they?

Battlefleet Gothic Tau – As my Tau player dropped out during our campaign I sort of lost interest in painting this fleet.  However it’s about 1/3 done and I want to finish it so it should be my primary goal.  Other projects should jump in.  Status: 3 more capital ships, a large selection of escorts, and some defences left to do.  I also have to pick a scheme for the Nicassar.  Perhaps earth tones?  Or go super extravagant with gold?

Azure Flames – I need to finish my Grav Sternguard.  Next, a 5 man non-jump-pack assault squad with 2 flamers.  Finally, I need to make some new sergeants with power swords.  I have been getting MURDERED in challenges with Power Fists.  I also need Centurions, a Hunter/Stalker, and a Stormraven.

Orks – MORE LADZ!  I also need to buy some Fighta-bommaz and perhaps some new Big Gunz.

Battlefleet Gothic Eldar – I purchased a pre-painted Eldar fleet, but it had no light cruisers.  I won one of each light cruiser in an auction and I need to strip them and try to match the paint scheme of my new fleet.

Battlefleet Gothic Necrons – I need a paint scheme and I need to get painting.  They are the last thing for Gothic.  Until I buy a new fleet NO BAD BOZEMAN!

Blood Bowl Orcs – I need to make four Cheerleader goblins, and then paint them as well as my four Assistant Coach goblins and the team coach, Warboss Grimfang da Lotz.

Epic Orks – Gotta finish that 3000pt teaching list.

Epic Eldar – Gotta make a 3000 pt teaching list and build it and paint it as the Yme-Loc craftworld (gray and orange with white details)

Epic Lost and the Damned – 3000pt teaching list and paint it.

Necromunda – Paint my Escher gang, Razor and the Scumettes.

Epic Space Marines – Finish painting a whole chapter so I can say “I have painted a whole chapter of Space Marines.”

Space Hulk – Wait for an ebay auction for the new mission book and rulebook, and the new tiles.  Also “acquire” the expansions. *looks innocent*

Filed under: Azure Flames, Blood Bowl, Epic Armageddon, Modeling, Necromunda, Painting, WAAAAGH! Smartyskull!
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